Disciplinary Orders

According to the IACPA, the disciplinary orders for its members are as follows:

1. Reprimand;

2. Severe reprimand;

3. Prohibition of new engagements for specified period;

4. Suspension up to 12 months;

5. Suspension for more than one year; and

6. Termination from the Association

Disciplinary Tribunals’ sentences regarding 1 and 2 above are final. Sentences regarding 3-6 above are subject to appeal within one month as of the date of notification. The Appeals Board’s decisions regarding 3-6 above are final and binding. Decisions regarding 5 and 6 above are subject to the Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance’s approval. Approved decisions are considered to be binding. Members sentenced for 4, 5, and 6 above are deprived of being a member of IACPA governing bodies for four years, ten years, and permanently, respectively. Investigation of High Council members’ misconduct is vested solely with the Appeals Board.


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