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Netanyahu’s Nuisance Value

Despair, disarray and dismay are but a few polite terms one can borrow to define the unprecedented debacle visiting the Obama White House over the past several weeks. How else could politicians and pundits describe the tsunami that may be unleashed if the prime minister of the settlement state, aka Israel, lands in Washington next month to wreck President Barack Obama and his Iran policy?

First and foremost, the political trajectory in Tel Aviv and US halls of power state  that Benjamin Netanyahu will address the United States Congress to underpin his reelection gambit with the threadbare Iran-demonizing agenda and "unwavering" patronage from the leading neo-conservative lights in the pro-Israel Republican conclave.

Second, as a matter of policy, he will attempt to keep the American public in a constant state of fear vis-à-vis Tehran’s nuclear energy program. Third, seen from the notorious Likud-Republican goggles, he will offer a new round of misleading prognosis on the nuclear issue to further reduce Obama and his declared goal of normalcy with Tehran after 35 years of futile and senseless animosity.

Herein lies a contradiction of sorts. What will Netanyahu, having long run out of ideas and options, bring to the host country on the nuclear issue that it already does not know? The huge American intelligence enterprise, studded with paid Mossad agents, knows chapter and verse of this extended acrimony and what it also entails if things are rubbed the wrong way.

After all, which informed mind keeping track of Iran’s nuclear development program is oblivious to the basic facts that give inspiration to its unambiguous economic development agenda?

The UN atomic agency of Yukiya Amano, in cahoots with the occupying power, western political leaders and nuclear experts, and impartial nuclear scientists with first-hand knowledge of all that is crucial for building an atomic bomb concur that Tehran has more pressing economic matters on its mind than developing a nuclear military program.

It is no exaggeration to say that ever since Obama came to the White House six years ago, Netanyahu, an accomplished liar, has hardly lost an opportunity to humiliate the American leader. Be it on the highly controversial and illegal issue of expanding Israeli settlement building on stolen Palestinian land or Obama’s intent to help restore a semblance of calm to the war-ravaged Middle East because he knows that today’s political configuration in this part of the world are profoundly insecure, thanks to Israeli lawlessness and state-sponsored terror.

 As if the deep divide over the protracted Mideast crises was not enough, the Iran project has emerged as a do or die topic between the two men. Let us state the case clearly.  Netanyahu’s Israel, the sole nuclear weapon state in the region, will go to any length possible to torpedo every move that could put a peaceful and permanent end to the Iran nuclear dispute to which the Tel Aviv regime has contributed terribly well.

Despite all the ranting about the “strategic US-Israel partnership” that has lasted more than half a century, and during which the former effectively delegated its Middle East strategy to the latter, the increasing liability of this one-sided relationship, that never was in US national interest, is hardly lost on Obama as he approaches the end of his embattled tenure.

If the premier of the long US-subsidized state has his way in the next few weeks in Washington and succeeds in reducing the power of the American president to irrelevancy in his most important and complex foreign policy task (sealing a nuclear deal with Tehran), Obama will obviously not be remembered as a erudite leader who made a difference and won.

It would be very interesting to see how Obama will reconfigure his memoirs and the key elements of his presidency during which Netanyahu was a nuisance of monumental proportions and a recurring nightmare who deprived him of his vision and made a mockery of the people of the United States and their elected president.