Tehran Municipality has announced that revenues earned from traffic and air pollution schemes underway in the capital city of Tehran are being spent on expanding the city's urban transportation…
The agent bank of the housing sector has allocated more than $31 million worth of facilities to non-state applicants in distressed urban areas of Iran during the first half of the current fiscal…
One of the biggest missions of President Hassan Rouhani’s administration is to implement its urban revitalization plan for reducing distressed urban areas and improving the quality of life of…
The third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, known as Habitat III opened on Monday with more than 45,000 mayors, ministers, policymakers, and urban planners in…
Adjusting to time and needs and addressing the mounting challenges of the housing market has emerged as a preoccupation of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, according to the minister.…
In the framework of its declared housing policy and to help people own their own homes in safe, uncongested and compliant environs, the government has prioritized the development of medium-size…