April 24,2022
The International Monetary Fund expects the unemployment rate in Iran to exceed 10% in 2022 and the following year.
In its latest World Economic Outlook report titled “War Sets Back Global...
April 20,2022
The International Monetary Fund is expecting Iran’s economy to grow by 3% in 2022.
In a new World Economic Outlook report titled “War Sets Back Global Recovery”, IMF say the country’s economy...
April 16,2021
The International Monetary Fund rectified its estimation of Iran's foreign currency reserves after it was questioned by the country's central bank.
April 14,2021
The governor of Central Bank of Iran rejected the IMF’s estimation of Iran’s currency reserve in its latest report published last week.
In a note posted on his social media account, Abdolnasser...
April 02,2021
Iran’s central bank governor Abdolnasser Hemmati has asked the International Monetary Fund to end its annoying bias and without "undue influence" of the United States respond to Iran's emergency...
February 06,2021
The International Monetary Fund says it is processing Iran’s $5 billion loan request submitted in March to the global crisis lender, said Jihad Azour, the IMF’s director of the Middle East and...
October 14,2020
The International Monetary Fund expects Iran's economy to return to growth in 2021.
In its latest World Economic Outlook report, the IMF forecasts 3.2% growth for Iran's GDP next year.
September 30,2020
President Hassan Rouhani told Germany’s new ambassador on Tuesday said that Iran expected the three European Union countries signatory to the landmark nuclear deal to support its loan request from...
April 17,2020
The CBI vice governor for economic affairs, Peyman Ghorbani, has been appointed first vice chair of International Monetary Fund’s Group of Twenty-Four (G-24).
April 15,2020
The International Monetary Fund is collecting data from Iran over its request for a $5 billion emergency loan to contain the COVID-19 spread, Jihad Azour, director of IMF’s Middle East and Central...
October 01,2019
Developing countries should have a bigger and stronger voice in the International Monetary Fund's decision-making process, the CBI governor told Kristalina Georgieva, the fund's new managing...
October 30,2019
A lack of integration in global trade means that the sharp recession in Iran will probably have limited spillovers to the rest of the region, according to the International Monetary Fund's latest "...
October 29,2019
Iran would need oil priced at $194.6 a barrel to balance its budget next year, the International Monetary Fund said.
April 29,2019
Iran’s economy is expected to shrink for the second consecutive year and inflation could reach 40%, an International Monetary Fund’s senior official said, as the country copes with the impact of...
April 10,2019
The International Monetary Fund has forecast a deepening recession for Iran's economy this year, projecting real GDP growth of -6% in 2019 after a contraction of 3.9% the year before.
November 02,2018
The International Monetary Fund said on Thursday that Iran should implement policies to safeguard its macroeconomic stability after the reimposition of US sanctions that will cut Iranian economic...
October 09,2018
The International Monetary Fund, in its latest World Economic Outlook, predicts Iran's economy will contract this year and in the following year as a result of the reimposition of US sanctions...
October 03,2018
The International Monetary Fund compares the global annual per capita GDP based on two major methods.
May 25,2018
More than a week after US Treasury Department blacklisted Central Bank of Iran's Governor Valiollah Seif for his alleged "support for terrorism", the International Monetary Fund has released a...
April 16,2018
The comparatively low share of oil exports to GDP reflects Iran's relatively large and diversified economy.
April 04,2018
The International Monetary Fund, in its latest assessment of Iran's economic situation as part of its Selected Issues paper, has hailed Iran's progress in upgrading its legislative and...
April 02,2018
The International Monetary Fund's Executive Board concluded the 2018 Article IV consultation with the...
December 18,2017
An International Monetary Fund team led by Catriona Purfield held discussions on...
October 11,2017
The International Monetary Fund in its latest World Economic...
October 01,2017
The International Monetary Fund has hailed efforts by the Central Bank of Iran in curbing the activities of a multitude of unruly credit institutions, which eluded the regulator's oversight for...