Islamic Development Bank, the Jeddah-based multilateral development financing institution devoted to lending a hand to its 57 Muslim member states in fostering economic development and…
With around 84,000 hectares of olive orchards and an annual production of 100,000 tons, Iran is ranked by the International Olive Council as 14th in the world in terms of area under olive…
Iran's real-estate sector is in the doldrums, thanks largely to overcapacity in luxury housing and the wider economic downturn that ensued since the 2014 oil price crash threw the economy into a…
The fact that Iran’s economy is facing major challenges is well acknowledged. Its heavy reliance on oil export revenues and the dominant role of the state in the economy combined with the…
The Vice Presidency for Women and Family Affairs has proposed a bill to revise a number of civil and criminal laws concerning women. It will be introduced in the Majlis by the end of August.
Iran is pushing ahead towards economic growth, although many of its industries require major overhauls in terms of both equipment and technologies, as well as renewed links with other countries…