
Doubt Cast on Relevance of OPEC, Non-OPEC Teamwork

Waivers that Washington granted to eight major oil-importing countries namely China and India are not enough for market demand
Doubt Cast on Relevance of OPEC, Non-OPEC Teamwork
Doubt Cast on Relevance of OPEC, Non-OPEC Teamwork

Iran Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh says the Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee (JMMC) and Joint Technical Committee (JTC) in charge of monitoring a deal between OPEC and other oil producing countries led by Russia should be terminated.

Zanganeh wrote to the OPEC secretary general Mohammed Barkindo calling for the two committees to be suspended and stopped from supervising the work they were created for.

"Some members of these two committees have evidently taken sides with the United States in imposing sanctions against Iran," Zanganeh wrote in his letter to Barkindo. He did not name the countries.


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