Following the terror attacks in Surabaya and Sidoarjo on the Indonesian Island of Java on Sunday and Monday, Indonesia's Tourism Ministry said it had coordinated with related authorities to ensure the conduciveness of the tourist ecosystem in the regions. "Tourism Crisis Management keeps monitoring updates on the incident and coordinating with related authorities to assure that the tourist ecosystem, particularly accessibility, amenities and attractions in Surabaya and Sidoarjo in East Java remain conducive," read the statement sent to the Jakarta Post on Monday. "Regarding the travel advice issued by several governments, the Tourism Ministry appreciates such measures and considers it as a form of the countries' responsibility to protect their citizens," added the statement. "The ministry's crisis center will provide important updates on its website every hour regarding the opening status of an attraction, airline accessibility and security at hotels," said Tourism Minister Arief Yahya. Despite the incident, Arief said there were no significant effects on the hotel sector in Surabaya.