Swiss bank Credit Suisse AG has deployed 20 robots in its offices, some of which are helping employees answer basic compliance questions, the bank's global markets chief executive, Brian Chin, said on Monday.
Chin, speaking at the Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California, said the technology may help reduce the number of calls coming into the bank's compliance call center by as much as 50%, Reuters reported.
The technology works like Inc's Alexa voice system. While Chin called them robots, it was not clear if they had a physical presence or how exactly employees interacted with them.
"You ask it questions and it spits out the appropriate regulation, rather than going to a manual or a website," Chin said. "It's been really good for simple questions."
Chin said although technology has allowed Credit Suisse to cut back middle office staff, headcount has remained flat because the bank has hired a large number of programmers.
Banks across the world are looking to reduce the number of workers doing menial jobs, including call center staff. In some cases customers are now being directed to online 'bots' which have pre-programmed responses.
Caption: The technology works like Inc's Alexa voice system