• Art And Culture

    Iran in Doha Giffoni Youth Media Summit

    The Doha Film Institute with Italy's Giffoni Experience will host The Doha Giffoni Youth Media Summit on December 2 and 3.

    A delegation of 30 film experts from around the world will participate in the groundbreaking summit. One of the expert delegates includes Iran's International Children Film Festival.

    Iran's children festival has proven to be an innovative and child friendly celebration which appeals to all tastes and commemorates excellence in films. Held since 1985, this film festival screens international and national films and videos. A part of the Fajr Film Festival for the first three years, it is now an individual festival in its own right. Held in different venues including Tehran, Isfahan, and Kerman, the festival awards the Golden Butterfly to its top winner.

    The Doha Film Institute, a not-for-profit cultural institute aims to cultivate the growth of the local film community and contribute to the development of creativity, in partnership with the 'Giffoni Experience'.

    Jurors between the ages 6-18 will participate "in this youth infused summit that will appease and help exchange ideas and opinions on the state of youth cinema and the effects that media and social networks have on it," according to the Gulf-Times website.

      Int'l Youth System

    The main aim of the summit is to build a yearlong project that comprises of two events annually. Doha will host the first event in December that consists of working sessions and Giffoni will host the second in July to appraise the sessions. The goal will be to create an international system of youth associations in order to form a structure that endeavors to administer and endorse cultural proceedings for children and adolescents.

    The other delegates include Arab Thought Foundation (Qatar), Bahrain Festival Days and Naqsh Short Film Festival (Bahrain), Belgrade Media Education Centre (Serbia), British Film Institute (UK), Buster Film Festival (Denmark), etc.

    Curator Claudio Gubitosi, Giffoni’s festival director, and Wassime Moslih Achkar, Al Jazeera Media Network, will oversee the discussion topics including utilizing social networks, new media and web platforms in communicating with young people; the importance of innovation and creativity; legacy activities to keep young audiences engaged in the long-term and challenges around attracting strategic partners for cultural events around the focal theme 'Film Festivals in the Age of New Media'.

    The summit will be held at Katara Cultural Village, Doha, Qatar.


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