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Economy, Business And Markets

EU Banks Will Discuss Iran Reintegration

The Euromoney Iran Conference will be held on Thursday May 19 in London.

Co-hosted by the Central Bank of Iran, the conference will discuss and explore the necessary steps for Iran’s reintegration into the international financial community.

According to a Euromoney press release, Valiollah Seif, governor of the CBI and Masoud Nili, adviser to President Hassan Rouhani on economic affairs, will deliver keynote speeches. The official welcome address will be made by Damian Hinds MP, exchequer secretary to the treasury.

Other speakers include senior executives from Saman Bank, Bank Pasargad, Sina Holding, Stephenson Harwood, UK Export Finance, SACE, Euler Hermes, International Monetary Fund, Tehran Stock Exchange, European External Action Service, British Bankers Association and the European Commission.

With 250 delegates from leading UK and European banks, credit rating agencies, export credit agencies and some of the world’s largest institutional investors attending, the one day event will be an important forum for those engaging or wanting to reengage with the Iranian financial sector.

The conference is sponsored by Bank Pasargad and Saman Bank. Co-Sponsors include Sina Bank and Sina Financial & Investment Holding Company and Stephenson Harwood. The Associate Sponsor is Mofid Securities.

  Interactive Forum

According to the conference website, its objectives include providing a forum for policymakers and practitioners to discuss, debate and resolve “the key hurdles and challenges” to overcome in order for Iran to regain its position in the international banking and financial community.

It also maims to define Iran’s banking sector, demonstrate its regulatory framework and highlight the opportunities available for cross-border capital flows.

Bringing together Iran’s banking and financial leaders, meeting with international bankers, investors and financiers in a stimulating, interactive and informal atmosphere are among other listed goals of the conference.

Finally, the high-profile event seeks to “define the opportunities available in Iran’s capital markets and provide a forum for international institutional investors and Iranian fund managers to discuss and resolve the key hurdles to overcome in order to capture sustained international capital flows.”