• People

    Most & Least Literate Provinces

    According to the latest reports by the Statistical Center of Iran, 84.7% of Iranians are literate.

    The highest rate of literacy is in Tehran Province where 90.4% of the population is literate. Alborz and Semnan provinces are next on the list with 90.2% and 88.4%.

    Sistan-Baluchistan Province in the southeast has the lowest rate of literacy (71.5%) followed by Kordestan (77.9%) and West Azarbaijan (78.85), Khabaronline reported.

    Over the past three decades, there is a shift in illiteracy patterns from rural and remote areas to slums and outlying parts of urban areas.

    The absolute illiteracy population in the country stands at 1.3 million and is in the age group 10-49, down from 3.4 million as stated in the 2011 census.