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NIORDC to Build Jask Oil Terminal

Implementation of Jask Oil Terminal project has been given to the National Iran Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC), managing director of the Iranian Oil Terminals Company (IOTC) said Monday.

Engineering and development department of the NIORDC will implement the Jask project, located in Hormozgan Province and on the Gulf of Oman coast, and hand it over to the IOTC as the ultimate operator, Seyed Pirouz Mousavi was quoted by Shana news agency as saying.

Jask Terminal project involves establishment of a 2,200-km pipeline, storage facilities with a total capacity of 20 million barrels, as well as loading and unloading docks. Petrochemical and refining complexes are due to be established in Jask region with private sector participation.  

The port of Jask is also the proposed end of the Neka-Jask oil pipeline, stretching across a long corridor from  northern Mazandaran Province down to the shores of the Gulf of Oman in the south.

Part of the natural gas delivered to Jask will be exported to the Persian Gulf Sultanate of Oman according to Shana, while the rest will feed petrochemical and steel industries in the region.

Since a large number of joint oil and gas fields are located in the Persian Gulf, the terminal will help the country expedite oil storage and export operations. Jask terminal is expected to become fully operational within two years.