Domestic Economy

GTC Registers 29% Drop in H1 Essential Goods Imports

Among the reasons for the decline in essential goods imports is rising domestic production of these commodities and sufficiency in strategic reserves
GTC Registers 29% Drop in H1 Essential Goods Imports
GTC Registers 29% Drop in H1 Essential Goods Imports

A total of 3.11 million tons of essential goods were imported into Iran by 130 vessels during the first half of the current Iranian year (March 21-Sept. 22), registering a 29% drop in weight compared with the similar period of last year, figures released by the Government Trading Corporation show.
Also known as necessity or basic goods, essential goods are products consumers will buy, regardless of changes in income levels.
During the corresponding period of last year, GTC imported more than 4.4 million tons of essential goods carried by 173 vessels, IRNA reported.


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