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Domestic Industrial Cooling Device Cheaper, Productive 

A domestic knowledge-based company has produced industrial cooling equipment based on vortex tube and compressed air technology that has a significantly cheaper price compared to foreign models

A domestic knowledge-based company has produced an industrial cooling device at a significantly lower price compared with foreign counterparts, which makes it a cost-effective replacement for imported models.

“There are many industrial products that people may not be familiar with, the absence of which could stop a production line in a large complex. That’s why knowledge-based and innovative companies have been formed in infrastructure industries with the support of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology,” said Mohammad Milan, the CEO of Alborz Subcool Company, the news portal of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology reported. 

The company has supplied various products to major automotive, refinery, petrochemical, gas and steel industries, he added.

Various cooling equipment are needed in different industries and the knowledge-based group has produced several of these products that were earlier only supplied through imports.

Air cooling products and parts based on vortex tube and compressed air technology are among the main products of this company.

“In the past, air conditioners were used for cooling, but the presence of high emission and heat, especially in petrochemical companies and refineries in southern Iran, creates significant problems. Also, due to the presence of flammable gases in these environments, these companies had to use explosion-proof air conditioners, which are very expensive,” Milan said.

The CEO said the knowledge-based company is meeting the domestic demand for this device and eliminating the need for importing this equipment.

“The product of this company is sold at one-tenth of the price of imported explosion-proof fans while matching their efficiency,” he said.

According to Milan, an American model of vortex cooling device is sold for $2,000 while the Iranian model only costs 140 million rials ($483). 

“Several neighboring countries have shown interest in purchasing the Iranian model and the company is finalizing export contracts,” he said.



Explosion-Proof Jet Fan Developed

A domestic knowledge-based Khezal Ramzineh Saz Asayesh Cooperatives Company has produced an explosion-proof jet fan that can be used in various industries.

The presence of inflammable gases and dust are a concern in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries, as well as in underground coal mining.

To prevent any explosion and other possible dangers, explosion-proof jet fans are used, which are widely used in industrial and mining sectors.

In various industries, especially oil, the presence of gases, vapors and explosive dust is inevitable. Whether during repairs and cleanup of equipment, proper ventilation allows workers to enter places such as chemical warehouses and battery rooms where there is a constant emission of gases.

In coal mines, ventilation is a top priority for workers. Due to the need for safe ventilation to prevent explosions in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries, as well as in underground mines, these jet engines are of great importance.

Although this product has foreign counterparts, its quality matches that of European samples and is priced 50% cheaper. 

Reliable after-sales services and warranty, as well as flexibility in customizing the product design to suit specific conditions, are the most important competitive advantages of the domestic fan.

Directly, 15 people are working full- and part-time in this knowledge-based company.

Because many parts are also outsourced, at least 60 indirect workers are involved in the production of these products.

With the increase in the volume of orders, the company can provide direct employment for 100 full-time workers.

More than 95% of the customers of this product are the public sector and large industries. The market for this product and other knowledge-based products will expand even more, if Iranian companies buy products from domestic producers instead of importing them.



Flame Monitoring System Rivals Foreign Models

Another domestic company has developed a flame monitoring system that controls the flame in equipment such as power plant turbines, where the continuity of the flame is vital.

“Typically, a flame monitoring system consists of one or more sensors and a trigger. The function of the starter or amplifier is to receive a signal from the flame detector sensor and announce its status," Mehdi Arianfard, a member of the Board of Directors of Sang Chin Zahedan Company, said.

Gas turbine is one of the most important equipment in oil, gas and energy industries. The important task of monitoring and evaluating its efficient performance is handled by the flame monitoring system.

The color of the flame varies from infrared to ultraviolet, depending on the type of fuel used. As the fuel used by turbines is natural gas, its flame has more ultraviolet components.

With the production of this domestic practical system, there is no need for foreign counterparts.

“South Pars Gas Company has replaced a foreign system with a domestic one for monitoring gas turbines,” he added.

In addition to turbines, the flame monitoring system is also used in furnaces. 

“Currently, we can meet the country’s demand without the need for imports. The domestic system has prevented a large amount of capital outflow,” Arianfard said.

“While matching the quality of foreign models, it has been marketed at a lower price. It costs more than $2 million a year to import foreign counterparts.”