Domestic Economy

Private Sector Plays 2nd Fiddle to Gov’t

Private Sector Plays 2nd Fiddle to Gov’t
Private Sector Plays 2nd Fiddle to Gov’t

The Iranian economy is a form of state capitalism and the private sector has been marginalized, or it only plays a ceremonial role, says Gholamreza Kiamehr, an economic analyst, in an article for the Persian daily Jahan-e-Sanat. 
A translation of the text follows: 
A vast majority of economists and sociologists in the world believe that governments are not good businessmen, industrialists and producers. The growth and development of the private sector and the withdrawal of governments from economic stewardship in free economies is the result of this mindset.
As per this theory, governments have limited their role to policymaking, supervision, governance and setting the stage for private sector players to take the lead and make investment in the world’s free economies.


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