Domestic Economy

Iran Aviation Sector on Recovery Path

Domestic passenger traffic in Iranian airports registered a year-on-year growth of 23% during March 21, 2021-Jan. 20. Takeoffs and landings posted a 24% rise while air cargo shipment registered a 33% growth
Iran Aviation Sector on Recovery Path
Iran Aviation Sector on Recovery Path

Statistics released by Iran Airports Company show the aviation sector is recovering from heavy losses suffered since the outbreak of Covid-19. 
Domestic passenger traffic in Iranian airports registered a year-on-year growth of 23% during the first 10 months of the current fiscal year (March 21, 2021-Jan. 20), as 22.76 million passengers were flown internally by Iranian airlines during the period.
The new IAC data also show takeoffs and landings posted a 24% year-on-year rise to 258,961. 
Over 185.7 million tons of cargos were shipped during the period under review, marking a 33% rise year-on-year.
Tehran's Mehrabad International Airport accounted for 8.8 million of the total number of passengers, 17% more than in the corresponding period of last year.


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