Business And Markets

Banks Gave 65,000 Collateral-Free Loans in 3 Weeks, Minister Says

Back in January the ministry instructed all banks to give micro loans to salaried employees and pensioners without demanding collateral or guarantors. The CEOs of 13 state-controlled banks were told to accept the new microloan requests
Banks Gave 65,000 Collateral-Free Loans in 3 Weeks, Minister Says
Banks Gave 65,000 Collateral-Free Loans in 3 Weeks, Minister Says

An estimated 65,000 loans were given in three weeks after the announcement of a rare government initiative promoting collateral-free microloans. 
The Economy Minister Ehsan Khandouzi said this in a note on his Twitter account on Monday, citing data from state-owned banks, IRNA reported 
“Easing access to microloans based on [personal] credibility appraisal is in the works,” the minister said, warning bank CEOs not complying with new lending order. 


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