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Domestic Economy

Rubble Stone Accounts for 25% of Iranian Mines

A total of 2,587 rubble stone mines have been registered in Iran to date, constituting around 25% of the country’s total mines, data provided by the Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade show.

The data also show that Iran currently has 1,881 active, 580 idle and 126 under-construction rubble mines, IRNA reported.

The active rubble stone mines have a 30% share of the country’s total operating mines (around 6,100).

The private sector owns 2,587 rubble mines, while the remaining 162 are managed by state-affiliated bodies.

In the construction sector, any stone that cannot be used in decoration is called rubble. Rubble is a broken stone, of irregular size, shape and texture.

As an effective material for boosting strength and durability, rubble is especially used for filling-in walls and concrete production. It is also used in the chemicals, cosmetics and paper production sectors.

Iran extracted over 98.67 million tons of rubble in the last fiscal year (ended March 19, 2020).

The country’s potential rubble reserves are estimated at around 12.5 billion tons.

About 21,000 people are directly involved in the rubble stone sector.

Estimates show 59 industrial sectors can use rubble as their raw materials.

With more than 4 billion tons, Iran has the fourth largest stone reserves in the world.

According to Vice Chairman of Iran Stone Association Malek Rahmati, construction stone production capacity amounts to 30 million tons per year. 

Iran is among the top five producers of construction stones in the world.