To boost output from the South Pars Gas Field, the third offshore deck of Phase 14 started natural gas production on Friday, the development manager said.
“The new platform (14B) has added 14 million cubic meters of gas per day to Phase 14’s total production at 42 mcm/d,” the Oil Ministry news portal Shana quoted Mohammad Mehdi Tavasolipour as saying.
Production in the giant field now is 644 mcm/d.
“The rig produces 100 tons of sulfur and 20,000 barrels of condensates a day,” he said, adding that it also helps process 250,000 tons of liquefied gas and 250,000 tons of ethane per annum.
Deck 14B was loaded on June and transferred to the designated offshore spot. Weighing 1,450 tons, the structure is located 105 km off the Persian Gulf.
Iranian engineers carried out the designing and construction of the deck and local companies supplied 60% of the equipment for the huge structure.
Phase 14 has four decks (14B, 14D and two satellite platforms), of which three are operating.
Referring to the fourth and last deck of the phase, the official added that the platform, which has made 92% progress, is being constructed at SADRA yard in southern Bushehr Province. It will be completed and installed by March 2020.
Phase 14 onshore facilities, namely processing trains, sulfur recycling plants and gas injection units linked to Iran’s Gas Trunkline, are operational.
The units are built to produce 56 million cubic meters of gas and 75,000 barrels of gas condensates a year and supply feedstock to petrochemical companies in the Pars Special Energy Economic Zone in Bushehr.
SP is divided into 24 phases in the first stage. Most of the phases are now operational.
The field, which Iran shares with Qatar in the strategic Persian Gulf, covers an area of 9,700 square kilometers, 3,700 square kilometers of which (South Pars) are in Iran’s territorial waters. The remaining 6,000 square kilometers (North Dome) are in Qatar’s territorial waters.
The field is estimated to contain large deposits of natural gas, accounting for about 8% of the world’s reserves, and approximately 18 billion barrels of condensates.