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2 More Offshore Platforms Installed at South Pars

To fast track gas production from South Pars Gas Field in the Persian Gulf, offshore platforms of phases 23 and 24 were installed on Wednesday.

Deck 23 and the satellite rig 24B, each weighing 2,500 tons, were installed on the jacket with the help of the domestic floating crane HL-5000, IRNA reported.

After hook up operations are completed in the coming weeks the platforms will come on stream and produce 56 million cubic meters of natural gas per day.

Both topsides were constructed by the Iran Marine Industrial Company also known as SADRA and the offshore decks were loaded in Bushehr Province in October.

By the end of the year, 70 mcm gas per day will be added to South Pars daily output at 610 mcm/d. Iran will produce 750 million cubic meters of natural gas from South Pars by March 2021.

South Pars is the world's largest gas field, shared between Iran and Qatar, covering an area of 3,700 square kilometers of Iran territorial waters. Iran is developing the mega gas project in 24 phases.

More than $72 billion has been spent on the giant venture since work started and investments are forecast to rise to $87 billion.

Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh said earlier in the week that Phase 14 would come online by 2021 and Phase 11 development plan would be launched before the current Iranian year is out in March.

The project is contracted by Petropars Company. A consortium including Total, CNPCI and Petropars were initially supposed to develop the field. However, Total and CNPCI pulled out due to US provocations and Petropars is doing the job alone.