• Haniyeh Sadat Jafariyeh
  • Almost a decade after the idea of preferential trade was first proposed, Iran penned its first preferential tariff agreement (PTA) with Turkey when the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip…

  • Iran’s cigarette market is inundated with smuggled cigarettes due to enormous demand in the country for foreign brands as well as a ban imposed by the government on cigarette imports.

  • The government will continue its cash handout scheme, which already provides almost every Iranian citizen with a monthly pay of 455,000 rials ($17 based on official rate), throughout the next…

  • Despite western sanctions, Iran’s civil aviation industry has grown relatively in recent years, industry officials often claim.

    Regardless of all the dire troubles that it has…

  • For some time now a hot debate is underway in Iran about the effectiveness of proposals by the government to help pull out the key housing sector from punishing recession and at the same time…
