Commercial outlets and shops with fake promotional offers and discounts are proliferating in Sharjah, in the United Arab Emirates, as unscrupulous traders try to exploit the holy month of Ramadan to rake in moolah, or automatic refunds. They woo customers with misleading promotions and prompt them to go on a buying binge, Arabian Business reported. Tightening its noose around such traders, the Sharjah Economic Development Department has intensified inspection targeting outlets and grocery shops that are duping consumers with huge discounts—to the tune of 70%—which are actually not genuine. Strict measures and controls are being imposed on the outlets that offer bogus discounts to attract the customers to make easy profits, pointed out officials at ministry of economy and SEDD. Hashim al-Nuaimi, director of consumer protection department at MoE, said: “We have found that there are many grocery stores that sell products at high prices across the emirate.” The MoE is taking tough measures, in cooperation with municipalities of the emirates and economic departments, to curb such illegal practice that takes customers for a ride.