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World Economy

Global CCI Shows Uptick

The global Ipsos consumer confidence index is showing a slight uptick to 50.3 in February. The Ipsos CCI is a measure of consumer attitudes in 24 countries regarding the current and future state of local economies, personal finances, savings and confidence to make large investments, fielded monthly by Ipsos public affairs.

These findings are based on data from Thomson Reuters/Ipsos’ primary consumer sentiment index from an ongoing survey of adults aged 18-64 in the United States and Canada and adults aged 16-64 in the other 22 countries with 17,500 interviews conducted each month since January 2010, reported.

Continuing to lead in overall Ipsos consumer confidence are: China (69.6), India (65.2), Sweden (63.3), and the US (62.1). Of these countries, only the US has experienced a significant change in its CCI over the last three months with an increase of 1.7 points. Italy (38.2) and Russia (39.2) are now the only two countries to register a score below 40 in their CCI as Turkey rose to 40.5. Countries showing the largest gains are South Africa, Brazil, and France, while those showing the strongest losses are Russia, Argentina and Spain.

Related to the Ipsos consumer confidence index are three sub-indices: the Ipsos jobs index reflecting perceptions of job security, the Ipsos expectations index reflecting economic expectations, and the Ipsos investment Index reflecting perceptions of the country’s investment climate.  

February’s global Ipsos jobs index (57.4) remains nearly even with a 0.1-point three-month increase, but is up 2.4 points from this time last year. Sweden (72.1) once again experienced the largest jobs index gain over the last three months with an increase of 4.1 points.

And once again, Russia’s (44.9) had the steepest three-month decrease in its job index as it fell by 5.4-points. Sweden (72.1) continues to hold sole possession of the Job Index’s top spot and is followed closely by the US (71.5) and China (70.1). Brazil (34.1), despite seeing a significant increase over the last three months (+2.7), continues to record the lowest Jobs Index score among the 24 countries surveyed.   

The global Ipsos expectations index has grown by 0.6 points over the last three months to 59.1. The two highest-scoring countries when it comes to expectations show relatively little change over the past three months: a 0.2-point decrease for China (72.9) and a 0.9-point increase for India (71.8). Turkey (47.9) remains the sole country with an expectations index score below 50. South Africa (57.6) saw the largest increase (10.1 points), followed by the US (2.7 points to 68.3).

Lastly, the global Ipsos investment index increased by 0.3 points to 44.3, led by China (67.8), India (66.7), and Sweden (59.6). Among the investment index’s top scorers, only Sweden experienced a significant decrease (-2.1 points) over the previous three months. Italy (28.8), Japan (29.4) and Russia (31.6) have the lowest Investment Index scores in February. France Belgium, South Africa and Brazil all show increases of more than three points while Russia and Argentina both show drops of five points or more.