Advisor on finance and economic affairs, Miftah Ismail has said that seeking name of our country into the list of Financial Action Task Force, would not affect Pakistan’s economy, APP reported. It was only the effort of some countries including United States to malign Pakistan, which would not be successful as “many countries supported our position,” he said while talking to a private news channel. He, however, said Pakistan would have to focus on long term planning and implement an “action plan”. There was no name of Pakistan mentioned in the list of FATF, he said. Putting the name in the watch list would not affect emerging economy and investment in Pakistan, he assured. Following a push from the US, UK, France and Germany, the FATF during a review meeting in Paris this week will announce that Pakistan is to be placed on its “grey” monitoring list. China, which is financing more than $50 billion of infrastructure projects across Pakistan, removed its earlier objections to the move.