Total annual water consumption in the (P)GCC is 26.5 billion cubic meters yet total water production is only 7.1 billion meters per annum, according to a recent White Paper by industry analysts Frost & Sullivan.
The average daily consumption of water per individual in the Persian Gulf states is the highest in the world.
This is due to the absence of demand management, government focus on increasing water supply through building desalination plants, and increasing dependence on ground water. Persian Gulf States suffer from low public awareness about the value of water resources.
With groundwater supplies almost exhausted in some countries, there is an urgent need for new water supply projects to come online to meet the 19.4 billion cubic meter water deficit.
Leaders in the region’s water and wastewater industry will be discussing how to best meet this gap between consumption and production at the upcoming Waterworld Middle East Conference and Exhibition, to be held in Abu Dhabi from October 12 through 14.
“The recognized need to address the gap has attracted more than 100 water technology companies, service providers and equipment manufacturers to the region,” said Tom Freyberg, Conference Director for WaterWorld Middle East.
“It is the goal of our conference to bring technology leaders together with decision makers to enhance dialogue around best practices for asset management and wastewater management to address eminent water shortage challenges.”
Water Projects
To share advice and experience on delivering successful water projects, some of the region’s top consultants and service providers will take part in a panel debate on “Delivering Water Projects”, to take place on 13 October.
Leading projects that have recently come online to help address the increasing need for water in the region will also be reviewed during the conference.
In Oman, the local Majis Industrial Services Company has sought bids for a contract to provide project management services to design and construct a second treated sewage effluent (TSE) plant at the Sohar Industrial Port Area in Northern Oman.
The WaterWorld Middle East Conference and Exhibition will run in tandem with POWER-GEN Middle East from October 12 to 14 at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC). The event will bring together the region’s leading plant owners and operators, consultants, utilities, investors and academics, with representatives of over 80 companies from 30 countries.