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UNWTO Awards for Excellence and Innovation

The International Tourism Trade Fair, FITUR, will once again be the platform for the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Awards for Excellence and Innovation in Tourism official ceremony (Madrid, Spain, 28 January – 1 February 2015).

Models for sustainable tourism production and consumption, the role of technology in accessible tourism, the future of tourism in the Middle East and North Africa, tourism investment in Africa and shopping tourism are among the many topics to be discussed at UNWTO program during FITUR, according to UNWTO website .

The UNWTO Awards, created by the World Tourism Organization, are the flagship awards for the global tourism sector. Every year, they are conferred by the UNWTO and the UNWTO Knowledge Network to highlight and showcase innovation and application of Knowledge in Tourism.

In doing so, the awards seek to recognize and stimulate knowledge creation, dissemination and innovative applications in tourism and to bring to light the latest advances in the area. This has a transversal effect on governance and society at large.

The awarded projects are in line with the policies, priorities and program of work of UNWTO, including the Code of Ethics for Tourism and the principle standards set in the United Nations’ Eight Millennium Development Goals. They represent some of the best examples of tourism leaders from around the world that through their exceptional initiatives have placed themselves at the forefront of the sector.

Recognition is given in three different categories:

The UNWTO Ulysses Prize is given to a distinguished scholar, whether in academia, government or private industry, for outstanding contributions to innovation and knowledge in tourism.

The UNWTO Award for Lifetime Achievement is conferred to recognize a lifetime achievement of individuals with visionary leadership and significant contribution throughout the nominee’s career as an inspirational role model for the development at the local, national, regional or international level.

The UNWTO Ulysses Awards for Innovation, merit distinction in four categories for the significant contribution of innovative tourism initiatives, which are both competitive and sustainable in their character. The four categories include UNWTO Ulysses Award for Innovation in public policy and governance, innovation in enterprises, innovation in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), and innovation in research and technology.