
China's Misconception of Iran Fed by Cyberspace

China's Misconception of Iran Fed by Cyberspace
China's Misconception of Iran Fed by Cyberspace

Over 70% of information that the Chinese receive about Iran cultivate a negative image of the country, which is an obstacle in the way of Iran's efforts to grab a share of the nation's tourism market. 
This is the result of a comprehensive research conducted by Faezeh Akhoundi, a tourism activist and Chinese-speaking tour guide who has over 10 years of work experience and close acquaintance with the target country's culture and popular attitudes.
Considering the fact that over 600 million people are daily users of the Internet in China, "the research was based on the data gained from the most popular social applications in order to monitor what the Chinese think of Iran as a potential travel destination," ISNA quoted her as saying.
According to Akhoundi, when the word "Iran" is searched in the most used applications, negative political issues come up first and most. 


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