
Antiques Returned From Belgium Unveiled

Antiques Returned  From Belgium Unveiled
Antiques Returned  From Belgium Unveiled

President Hassan Rouhani visited the National Museum of Iran to see the 349 ancient artifacts repatriated to Iran from Belgium, Mehr News reported.

"Such exhibitions are remnants of Iranian civilization, and can help curb Iranophobia," Rouhani said.

The president appreciated the efforts of Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization's (ICHHTO) officials in returning the artifacts to the country, and noted the significance of the collection in introducing Iran's cultural heritage. The artifacts will help in clarifying Iran's status among civilizations. With such awareness, it will be clear where the country should stand today, Rouhani said.

"The artifacts should be seen by the young generation. Works of our ancestors will show where we should be heading to, how we should plan, and what we can learn from the past."

Rouhani noted both the quality and quantity of the collection. "Its return indicates the strong will of the nation and officials, as well as the capability of the legal sector in upholding the nation's rights".  

The president was referring to the legal endeavors and effort to return the 349 artifacts during the past three decades, and called the move a great legal and political achievement.

There had been 228 historical artifacts from Khurvin archaeological site in the National Museum of Iran. With the addition of the returned items, a large, precious treasure is now vividly recounting the Iranian lifestyle over the past millennia.

A French woman had gathered the 349 historical artifacts from Khurvin archaeological site in Savojbolagh county, Alborz Province in 1965, and taken them to Belgium. The artifacts were returned to Iran on December 25, 2014 after legal pursuits made by Iran's government.