
Int'l Heritage Day Marked Amid Preservation Woes

Iran is home to a myriad of ancient structures remaining from past civilizations but is facing challenges in their preservation due to a legal gap as well as financial constraints
Different events were held nationwide on April 18 to mark the International Day for Monuments and Sites.
Different events were held nationwide on April 18 to mark the International Day for Monuments and Sites.

Iran celebrated the International Day for Monuments and Sites on April 18 by various events and seminars while the preservation of the country's myriad of heritage sites is facing challenges. 
Abundant with magnificent structures remaining since antiquity, Iran is among the first countries to be named when it comes to ancient civilizations' architectural heritage. 
Nevertheless, inadequate laws and lack of funds along with issues concerning ownership and utilization of historical buildings are causing trouble for their conservation, the Persian daily Donya-e Eqtesad reported. 

  Legal Gap 
Cultural heritage activists have called for a comprehensive law on protection of historical monuments as the existing ones are gravely deficient. 
Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization has frequently been involved in disputes over preservation and utilization of nationally inscribed buildings with private owners or various state entities owning the properties such as ministries, the Endowment and Charity Affairs Organization and the Islamic Revolution Mostazafan Foundation. 


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