
Iranian Tour Firms Seek Revised Forex Policy

Tour operators are facing a challenge in providing travel services for Iranian tourists abroad as they have been left out of CBI’s 33 priorities for foreign currency allocation
The outbound travel sector is expected to face a collapse should the policy remain in place.
The outbound travel sector is expected to face a collapse should the policy remain in place.
The €500 and €1,000 given to outbound tourists based on their destination is deemed insufficient for an average trip

The new restrictions on the trade of foreign currencies have caused great concern among outbound touring companies who complain that their sector has been overlooked while setting the priorities for currency allocation. 
In a recent directive, the Central Bank of Iran announced that hard currency will only be supplied by certified banks to 33 designated groups in which tour operators have not been included. 
Exchangers are also prohibited from buying and selling foreign currency until further notice as per the directive,


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