
Iranian Relics on Show in Britain, Netherland

Iranian Relics on Show in Britain, Netherland
Iranian Relics on Show in Britain, Netherland

Hundreds of Iranian antique objects will soon go on display in Britain and the Netherland in an effort by Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization to introduce Iranian history at international level. 
According to the schedule, the British Museum is to host a show and gallery entitled "Persia after Alexander the Great" in mid-June. 
The exhibit named “Iran, The Cradle of Civilization” will also be held in the Dutch city of Assen in June, CHTN reported.
Relics dating back to prehistoric, historic and Islamic eras, which have been so far kept in National Museum of Iran and the country's other prominent centers are selected and prepared for the shows, Mohammadreza Kargar, ICHHTO’s director for museum affairs, said.
“The number of items to be put on show at the exhibitions is not definite yet, but it will not be fewer than 1,200 antique items,” Kargar said.


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