
Iran Expects Sea Travel Surge in New Year Holidays

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Iran Expects Sea Travel Surge in New Year Holidays
Iran Expects Sea Travel Surge in New Year Holidays

Iranian ports and islands have taken various measures to prepare the ground for hosting sea travelers during the upcoming Iranian New Year holidays, known as Norouz, which lasts from March 21 to April 2. 
Local authorities, especially in southern ports, are making every effort to take the opportunity to promote marine tourist attractions. These measures are likely to produce desirable results this year since the recent surge in the US dollar exchange rate has compelled many families to rethink their holiday plans.  
The total number of sea journeys during last Norouz holidays (between March 16, 2017 and April 4, 2017 when trips are often made) stood at nearly 4.8 million, Financial Tribune's inquiries show.  This indicates a 76% growth in sea travel in Norouz compared with the year before, according to the database of the Port and Maritime Organization of Iran (PMO).
Qeshm Island Free Trade Zone is Iran's leading destination for sea travelers with its passenger traffic standing at 3.7 million last Norouz.


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