
Illegal Construction in Abyaneh Demolished

Illegal Construction in Abyaneh Demolished
Illegal Construction in Abyaneh Demolished

The structure that was built illegally and overnight in one of the gardens of the historical village of Abyaneh in Isfahan Province was pulled down under an order by the local judicial authorities.  The protection department of Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization reported the offense and the village's cultural heritage base filed a complaint, travel news website Donyay-e Safar reported. The offender was sentenced to imprisonment, a fine and restoration of the site to its original shape. The cultural landscape of Abyaneh was inscribed in the National Heritage List in 1975. Plans are underway to gain a global status for the village; therefore, preservation of its natural and countryside views figure high on the ICHHTO's agenda along with protection of its historical, architectural character. Abyaneh is located Barzrud Rural District, in the central district of Natanz County. 



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