
Iranian Handicrafts as 2018 World Cup Gifts

Iranian Handicrafts as 2018 World Cup Gifts
Iranian Handicrafts as 2018 World Cup Gifts

Iran is planning to offer handmade artworks to the International Federation of Football Association at the 2018 World Cup event for publicizing the same, an official at Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization said.
The members of cultural working group at Iran's Football Federation were invited on Saturday to the headquarters of Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization to visit a collection of handicrafts selected for presenting them as gifts, CHTN reported. 
Pouya Mahmoudian, the director of Trade and Exports Office at ICHHTO, added that a variety of Iranian artworks, including paintings by Mahmoud Farshchian, the master of Persian miniature art, were presented as possible items. 


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