
National Museum of Iran to Host Louvre Relics

For the first time, Tehran will host an exhibition of the Louvre Museum objects belonging to ancient civilizations, as a means of strengthening cultural relations between Iran and France
The exhibition will be an outstanding cultural and diplomatic event for both France and Iran.
The exhibition will be an outstanding cultural and diplomatic event for both France and Iran.
The event is sponsored by the Iranian private bank Ayandeh and the French Total and Renault companies

A series of historical objects kept in France's Louvre Museum were transferred to Tehran early this week to be displayed in an exhibition titled "The Louvre in Tehran" at the National Museum of Iran.
Taken from different parts of Louvre, the 56 items will be featured in four categories, including "The birth of a collection", "The glory of world civilizations", "Globalization dream" and "A living museum",


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