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Ashuradeh Projects Halted

The State Inspectorate Organization of Iran has banned the ceding of Ashuradeh lands to tourism investors, CHN reported. In a letter to the Department of Environemnt (DoE), the organization ruled that the construction of tourism facilities on Ashuradeh island in Mazandaran Province, be temporarily suspended. The former natural habitat deputies of the DoE Delavar Najafi and Mohammad Baqer Saduq had submitted to the judiciary system a letter of complaint on ceding of Ashuradeh island for tourism development. “The State Inspectorate Organization in response to our complaint against the DoE passed the order,” Najafi said, reminding that the decisions of the inspectorate are mandatory. This is a rare case where a major environmental dispute was pursued by the judiciary. “The verdict is temporary, but I hope it will become permanent, delivering Ashuradeh from the threat of destruction,” Najafi added. The DoE public relations office confirmed the halt in tourist constructions, following the ruling of the organization. Ashuradeh island is home to migratory and nesting birds; it is also a critical place where fishes and shrimps spawn.