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Dubai Airport Virtual Aquarium to Scan Visitors

The security line at an airport, commonly acknowledged as one of the worst places on earth, just got a bit less distressful, with the Dubai International Airport announcing that next year it will drop the human security checks for biometric scanning–in the form of an aquarium.

Visitors will walk through admiring virtual fish while 80 in-built cameras scan each person’s face and verify their identity, The Independent reported.

“The fish is a sort of entertainment and something new for the traveler but, at the end of the day, it attracts the vision of the travelers to different corners in the tunnel for the cameras to capture their face print,” foreign affairs chief, Major General Obaid Al Hameeri, told The National.

The virtual fish, therefore, play a vital role in capturing passengers’ attention so the cameras can scan them accurately.

The airport’s new feature is due to be up and running in Terminal 3 by the end of 2018 and will be launched in the other terminals by 2020.