Sci & Tech

Iran Telecom Operators Growing Fastest in MENA

In the field of mobile communications, Iran was among the fastest growing nations both in the region and across the world
Iran Telecom Operators Growing Fastest in MENA
Iran Telecom Operators Growing Fastest in MENA

GSMA Association says Iran is among the fastest growing countries in the Middle East and North Africa region and the world in terms of developing mobile communications.
The trade body represents the interests of mobile network operators worldwide. Iranian mobile operators MTN-Irancell and Mobile Telecommunications Company of Iran are GSMA members.
According to the trade body’s latest report that ranks countries on the basis of their improvement in the field of mobile communications between 2014 and 2017, Iran was among the fastest growing nations both in the region and across the world.
The report added that Asia-Pacific and MENA are the most improved regions, because of their significant improvements in infrastructure, digital content and services.
In an earlier report, GSMA had announced that it expects smartphone adaption rate to reach 70% in Iran by 2025 from 38% by the end of 2018.


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