Sci & Tech

Iran's ITO Takes a Stance Against Abuse of Power, Inequality: Interview

Auto & Tech Desk
Taking a stance against harassment, gender inequality and abuse of power, Iran’s IT Organization has issued a directive that will hopefully help victims take action against perpetrators
Iran's ITO Takes a Stance Against  Abuse of Power, Inequality: Interview
Iran's ITO Takes a Stance Against  Abuse of Power, Inequality: Interview

From Silicon Valley to Tehran, tech titans and startups have regularly reported stories of gender inequality, harassment and abuse of power. 
Taking a stance against such issues, Iran’s IT Organization has issued a directive containing guidelines that will hopefully help victims take action against perpetrators while assisting firms in setting up safeguards.
The directive outlines what can be classified as abuse while describing a mechanism for recording complaints. The concise guidelines touch upon a wide range of cases, from verbal to physical assaults, while noting that both men and women could be at the receiving end.
It also envisages that an NGO be set up to educate people about harassment and inequality, while operating as a watchdog that records complaints. 
The directive does not elaborate on the composition and the full scope of activities such an NGO could pursue.
In a talk with Financial Tribune, ITO’s Chief Amir Nazemi said speaking about sexual abuse and harassment is considered taboo. 
“People find it hard to speak about it with their colleagues. Therefore, as per the guideline, local NGOs should be tapped for reporting harassment cases,” he said


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