Sci & Tech

Job Creation at Core of Iran’s Startup Action Plan

During an event held at the National Library of Iran, IT Organization CEO Amir Nazemi, the man behind Startup Action Plan, told tech and startups enthusiasts, entrepreneurs and businesspeople what they should expect from the scheme
Job Creation at Core of Iran’s Startup Action Plan
Job Creation at Core of Iran’s Startup Action Plan

Iran’s Information and Communications Ministry unveiled its long-awaited Startup Action Plan late Wednesday, which aims to create 68,000 jobs and give a boost to local tech firms.
During an event held at the National Library of Iran in Tehran, IT Organization Chief Amir Nazemi, the man overseeing the plan, told tech and startups enthusiasts, entrepreneurs and businesspeople what they should expect from the initiative.
It envisions incentives for boosting local startups and innovative firms. All startups possessing the prerequisites listed in the plan can make use of these incentives, including a three-year tax holiday.


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