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A Survey of Iranians Active on Twitter

From government officials to critics, Iranian politicians actively use Twitter to get their ideas across to their audience and Iranians also mostly post political tweets
A Survey of Iranians Active on Twitter
A Survey of Iranians Active on Twitter

Iranian news website Digiato, with help from artificial intelligence text analysis service provider Vakavic, has reviewed 1 million tweets posted in the last Iranian year (ended March 20, 2019) to find the highly trending topics and those with the most followers.
Twitter is officially banned in Iran, but ironically almost all the top Iranian authorities are active on the online news and social networking service.
According to the results published on Digiato, at least 40 million tweets are posted by Iranians annually. On average, 100,000 tweets are published daily by these users. 
It is estimated that close to 6 million Iranians are active on the social media platform.


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