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Iran Disconnects 250,000 Smuggled Cellphones Under Mobile Registry Scheme

With A Quarter Million Banned Smuggled Phones, Iran Cellphone Registry Scheme Leaves a Mark
With A Quarter Million Banned Smuggled Phones, Iran Cellphone Registry Scheme Leaves a Mark

Following the launch of the Mobile Registry Scheme in December 2017, close to 250,000 smuggled cellphones have been detected and disconnected from local operators’ networks by mid-June 2018.
With the aim of discouraging cellphone smuggling, the ICT Ministry, Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration, the Communication Regulatory Authority (CRA) and the Industries Ministry created the so-called scheme according to which local operators are barred from offering services to contraband phones.
Based on data released by the CRA, between December 2017 and June 2018 close to 1.5 million handsets were registered and 250,000 cellphones were countermanded and disconnected from the networks of local operators. 


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does regulator or ministry product any effectiveness of such system? any challenges do they face?

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