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Video Games Popular With Iran Kids

Video Games Popular With Iran Kids
Video Games Popular With Iran Kids

Almost a quarter of the 28 million Iranians who play video games are children under 12 years of age, the results of a survey conducted by Iran’s Digital Games Research Center (DIREC) and a local market study firm Hitech Monitor show.
Published on DIREC’s website (, the report indicates that more 7 million children under the age of 12 regularly play video games. 
Video games are more popular with boys and 60% of children who play digital games are male.
As expected. the survey showed that kids living in major urban areas start playing video games earlier compared to their peers in rural areas because they have more access to smartphones, tablets, and computers. Children in urban areas also spend more time on digital games.
In urban areas, boys on average play video games for 120 minutes in a day while girls spend 90 minutes. The nationwide results are significantly lower, with boys playing 87 minutes and girls 67 minutes. 


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