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Smart App Promotes People’s Role in Yazd Urban Affairs

Smart App Promotes People’s Role in Yazd Urban Affairs
Smart App Promotes People’s Role in Yazd Urban Affairs

A new smartphone application has been launched in the central city of Yazd to facilitate the rapid and easy-to-use line of communication between the people and authorities.
With a few taps, people can register complaints about urban issues or report emergencies like a leak in the water network or a fire.
Produced by the prominent knowledge-based firm Pishgaman, the application dubbed 'Shahrbin' (meaning ‘city watch’ in Persian) links residents and authorities in the hope of making urban management responsive and efficient, Webna news website reported.
According to the provincial Office of Information and Communication Technologies, the application should help augment transparency and public participation in urban management. Municipality financial reports can also be published via the application.


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