Sci & Tech

Noteworthy Improvement in Iran Internet Access

Average mobile Internet speed in Iran reached 27.71 Mbps in September, 47.7% higher compared to the 18.75 Mbps in January
Noteworthy Improvement in Iran Internet Access
Noteworthy Improvement in Iran Internet Access

Average mobile Internet speed in Iran has increased by 47% since the beginning of the year, Internet testing and analysis company Ookla reported.
The average mobile download speed in Iran was 27.71 Mbps in September, 47.7% higher compared to the 18.75 Mbps in January. Mobile upload speed has also increased 33.4% over the period reaching 10.77 Mbps from 8.07 Mbps in January.
The significant increase resulted in a rise of 16 positions in Ookla’s global ranking of countries based on mobile Internet speed. According to the Speedtest Global Index report published on, Iran is now ranked 51 among 124 countries.


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