Sci & Tech

Iran ICT Minister Participates in ITU Conference in Dubai

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres says the world is facing a crucial challenge: harnessing the benefits of new technologies for all, while safeguarding against the risks of their misuse
Iran ICT Minister Participates in ITU Conference in Dubai
Iran ICT Minister Participates in ITU Conference in Dubai

ICT decision makers from around the globe met in Dubai this week for the International Telecommunication Union's 20th Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-18) to set the ITU’s direction for 2020-2023.
Iran’s ICT Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi participated in the conference that opened on Oct. 29 and will continue until Nov. 16, the ministry’s website reported.
Azari Jahromi addressing the participants cautioned against the widespread use of modern technologies and social media platforms for enticing violence and sowing discord. He raised the call for peaceful application of information and communication technologies.


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