Sci & Tech

Iran Expanding Space Law Studies

Iranian Space Agency is laying the required groundwork to ensure the country’s national interests could be safeguarded in the future when it comes to space law
Iran Expanding Space Law Studies
Iran Expanding Space Law Studies
An agreement has been signed between the Iranian Space Agency and the University of Tehran as per which the ISA is to offer scholarships to students who choose to work on space law

With countries moving ahead with schemes to commercialize space and countries like the US mulling the idea of establishing a space military force, Iranian authorities are endeavoring to advance scientific research in the field and get a better grasp of international space law.
The Iranian Space Agency has signed a memorandum of understanding with the University of Tehran's Institute for Studies in Public Law last week, as per which specialists on space law are to be trained so as to increase Iran's role in international assemblies and secure national interests, the agency's website reported.


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