Sci & Tech

Iran’s Game Industry Annual Turnover of $219m, 28 Million Gamers

A nationwide survey shows that as of March 2018, there were 28 million gamers in Iran, mostly teenagers, with the industry generating $219 million in revenue
Iran’s Game Industry Annual Turnover of $219m, 28 Million Gamers
Iran’s Game Industry Annual Turnover of $219m, 28 Million Gamers
Applying a gender perspective to the data reveals that out of the 28 million gamers, 65% are men and 35% are women

There are 28 million gamers in Iran, annually generating a revenue of 9.2 trillion rials ($219 million) for the gaming market. 
A nationwide survey conducted by the Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation in collaboration with the Digital Games Research Center (DIREC) marks the rising number of gamers across the country.
According to a report released by DIREC on Monday, the number of Iranian gamers has seen a staggering 21% jump reaching 28 million by March 2018 compared to earlier data from March 2016 when the number stood at 23 million.
The research defines a gamer as someone who plays digital games at least an hour a week on one of the three common platforms of mobile phone, consoles or computers.


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