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Communication Ombudsman Shaping Future of Marketing in Iran

Following a mandate by Communication Regulatory Authority, Iranian mobile phone operators have devised a system for those willing to receive advertisements by messages in return for discount packages
Communication Ombudsman Shaping Future of Marketing in Iran
Communication Ombudsman Shaping Future of Marketing in Iran
The regulator launched an automated system in November 2017 through which subscribers can register complaints against the irritating ads which many consider as spam

With Iran’s Communication Regulatory Authority introducing a marketing strategy via messages, soon the disturbing adverts will become something of the past. 
Furthermore, in order to keep the door open to businesses, according to CRA chief Hossein Fallah, a system has been devised by mobile phone operators for those willing to receive advertisement by messages. 
Individuals can register with the system to receive marketing text messages in return for discount packages, reported IRNA.
The scheme requires senders to deliver telemarketing text messages only to those who have given consent to receive them through an online system which is regulated and monitored by the CRA.
Moreover, operators are required to identify senders of unauthorized marketing messages and take punitive measures against them.


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