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Domestic Company Develops Virtual Porous Media Laboratory Software

A knowledge-based company has developed a virtual porous media laboratory software that costs one-third of the foreign counterpart’s price

A knowledge-based company has developed a software that provides a virtual laboratory environment to test and measure porous media.

Energy Tavana Kish Company (also known as Tavana Energy) started operating in the field of porous media to respond to the digital transformation taking place in the domestic industrial and services sectors, according to the company’s CEO.

“This software can be used to evaluate the static and dynamic parameters of the porous media, such as porosity, permeability, size and shape of pores, capillary pressure, mineralogy and other characteristics, in the fields of geology, petroleum engineering, metallurgy, concrete, dentistry, medicine and catalyst industries,” Ali Misaghi was also quoted as saying by the news portal of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.

He pointed out that the digital laboratory of the porous media was initially started as a rock physics experiment.

“The company’s knowledge-based software has no domestic counterparts in the industrial field and only some research and academic activities have been carried out in this field,” he said.

According to Misaghi, the software is completely indigenous, offers a wide range of services in the field and facilitates expansion.

“The use of this software in the industry can prevent the outflow of millions of dollars by not having to send samples abroad, as it replaces costly and time-consuming traditional methods,” he said.

The CEO noted that the domestic software costs one-third of the foreign counterpart’s price.

“More than 10 experts from the fields of petroleum engineering, mechanics, geology, computer engineering, etc. are working on this software,” he said.

Misaghi said institutions and executive organizations play a key role in supporting knowledge-based companies and boosting their production.

“The implementation of protective laws for promoting knowledge-based production, removing obstacles posed by government bureaucracy, providing clear and simple information regarding laws and regulations to stakeholders and helping companies sell their products and services could greatly support knowledge-based companies,” he said.


Domestic Automatic, Portable Wetting Front Detector Unique

A domestic knowledge-based company has developed a unique automatic wetting front detector.

The device automatically monitors and records the soil’s moisture level at a certain depth and during irrigation, according to the CEO of the Abzar-e-Tosse Sahand Company.

“The monitoring device is designed and developed to meet the needs of the fields of agriculture, irrigation, civil engineering and environment,” Nazila Qasemifar was also quoted as saying by the news portal of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.

The automatic and portable wetting front detector, which has no domestic or foreign counterpart, indicates temporal and spatial changes in soil wetting. It can be used to signify the end of irrigation and the depth of plant root development.

Optimizing water consumption in farms and gardens by preventing water losses in the form of deep seepage is one of the most important applications of this device.

The device can connect four electrodes, each of which has six rows of sensors.

“Due to the advanced technology used in these devices, a limited number of these products are produced annually,” the company’s CEO added.

Qasemifar stated that as there is no fixed production line, the company provides direct employment through outsourcing and creates a significant share of indirect jobs.

“Our products have been used by professors and students of most universities and large research centers in Iran over the past few years,” he said.


Core Acidizing Device Developed

A knowledge-based company has produced a core acidizing device that helps improve the extraction process from oil wells.

Acidization is one of the widely used methods in the well stimulation process, which increases oil and gas production at a relatively low cost and in a short period, according to the CEO of Fanavari Ezdiad Bardasht Fars Company.

“Due to problems caused by sanctions and the high prices of foreign counterparts, the company produced an affordable and more efficient core acidizing device to meet domestic needs,” Moein Nabipour was also quoted as saying by the news portal of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.

He added that some factors in drilling operations significantly reduce oil and gas production.

“Formation damage due to drilling, cementing, meshwork, well completion, repair and stimulation operations can cause a reduction in oil extraction,” he said.

“The acidizing operation is usually the best method to improve well production and increase crust coefficient. The success of this operation depends on the type, concentration, volume and injection method of the acid, which are mainly evaluated and designed after conducting core acidizing dynamic tests.”

Nabipour stressed that the quality and type of additives used and the type of formation are decisive factors in the acidizing process.

“In this operation, acid is injected into the layers of oil and gas formations with different pressures to increase the production rate by opening the existing channels,” he added.

According to the CEO, the device can be used by oil and gas industries as well as drilling and production companies.

“The company is the exclusive producer of this type of core acidizing device in Iran. A limited number of foreign companies produce this device, but the Iranian model has better quality, efficiency and lower cost than foreign counterparts,” he said.

“The domestic core acidizing device has annually prevented the currency outflow of $20 million from making the import of foreign counterparts unnecessary.”

He stressed that the use of gas pressure regulator, accurate injection of fluids, recording and controlling all data during the test, smart management of overhead pressure to avoid any possible damage and the replacement of stainless steel with titanium or hastelloy are the main advantages of the domestic acidizing device.

Nabipour noted that the company has presently created 15 direct and 10 indirect jobs.